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Pretty Cure Wiki
LEcoleCinqLumiere Schule

The L'École des Cinq Lumières (サンクルミエール Sanku Rumiēru?) is the school which the Cures in Yes! Pretty Cure 5 attend. The school grounds include a theater, a lake, sports fields, library, canteen and even underground access to sewers. "L'École des Cinq Lumières" means "The School of The Five Lights" in French. Just like the Yuunagi Middle School of Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star, the school dwells on a hill.


Cinq uni

The winter uniform for the students. Notice the badge is a different color as you move up the school.

Since the school is an all girls school there is no male counterpart. The uniform includes a purple cardigan with a red ribbon and white collar. There is a lilac dress which is worn under the cardigan with button up pleats. There are navy blue knee length socks. There are brown penny loafers for shoes. For the summer uniform the cardigan is a lighter material and white. The sports uniform is lilac, short sleeved and collared with shorts. The socks are dark purple. For shoes there are trainers. On the standard uniform, one can tell a students grade by seeing the color on a student's cardigan. From what we see Urara is in the first year and has a yellow badge, Nozomi, Rin and Kurumi are in their second year and have a red badge and Karen and Komachi are in the third year and have a blue badge.

Extra Curricular Activities

The school is diverse with many extra curricular activities. Including a many sports clubs, a drama club, a costume making club, an art club and many more. The school also has a Student Council with Minazuki Karen as president.

Notable Students

Notable Staff


  • L'Ecole des Cinq Lumières is the first school to be an all girls school followed by Christian Private White Clover Academy. Verone Academy may be counted in this but it had a boys campus as well.
  • There are a lot of mistakes about the spelling of "L'Ecole des Cinq Lumières" in the anime. It's often written "L'Ecole Cing Lumière" which is not correct.


